Short means sexy!
Whoever said that short hair limits your style needs to re-consider his statement. Short hair is in trend. Though some hairstyles need a certain length, there are plenty of chic hairdos that look wonderful on cropped hair. Just be creative and be open to experiments.
Looking for ways to jazz up your short bob? Look no further; below, we’ve listed down 4 amazing accessories that looks damn cool on short hair:
Bobby Pins
Less is more!
Simple and effective, bobby pins are the Holy Grail for women with short hair. They give your hair a touch of elegance while keeping those loose strands away from your face. They are also known as hairpins and are usually made of metal and may come with slight embellishments on the top.

Pin your tresses with them and create a pattern. You will be amazed at how spectacular a colorful maze on your hair can look!
Turban Headbands for Adults
No matter how long or short your hair is cute headbands for adults are the ultimate sartorial choice. These statement headpieces add a dash of glam to your ensemble. Be it embellished, turban or nude, headbands hold your bangs, enhance your personality and make you ramp-ready anytime any day.

Our Joey and Pooh fashion headbands, available in an array of embellishments and patterns, are instant style upgrades. Our unique collection is ideal for weddings, sundowners, holidays and cocktail nights. Peruse through and see how delicate yet iconic these turban headbands are, especially for short-haired beauties!
Antique Combs
Have chin-length thick hair? Try antique combs. They lend an air of grace and style with minimum effort. What you have to do is just slide the comb into your hair and make sure it holds tight. That’s it! The rest is taken care of by these stunning combs. We like these chunky, heirloom combs; they are eye-catching and add a dash of flair to any style. Compliments guaranteed!

Jeweled Flower Barrettes
If you are a ‘90s kid you would know what barrette hairclips are! Two decades later, they are back big and beautiful: courtesy social media craze! Now and then, you will find bedecked barrettes pop up on your social media feed vouched by celebs and fashionistas. So, add them in your hair arsenal too and shine on!

For feminine looks, try jeweled flower barrettes. Ideal for sophisticated garden parties or Sunday brunches, these hair accessories look best when paired with pastel shades and silky silhouettes.