A lot of incredible things are happening around the world and one of them is digital content streaming. Since, its introduction, online video content has been a rage. Everyone wants to savour the joy of ‘binge-watching’ and we aren’t complaining. At Joey and Pooh, we are a sucker of romcoms and Ugly Betty is one of our favourite ABC melodramedy (melodrama plus comedy) that’s both good and relatable. It’s brilliantly executed and super fun to watch with a glass of wine and some nibbles to munch on.

The premise of Ugly Betty is what kept us hooked the most. It’s about a girl named Betty Suarez, who despite having no sense of style lands a job at a reputed NY fashion magazine. She wears braces, glasses and a garish poncho – hence the name ‘Ugly Betty’. However, she is not ‘ugly’ in real sense. Her character has been beautifully crafted to entice the audiences.
The show is a wonderful blend of murder, feminism, homosexuality, claim to unforeseen wealth and challenges of immigrant life with melodious musical interludes in between. The class struggle, the immigration norms and the complexities of being a gay have been subtly explored. Nevertheless, the glamour quotient of the show remained intact throughout. Expect fierce fashion, flamboyant sets, hilarious insults and innovative haircuts. In short, Ugly Betty is a delightful watch. It is soapy, fun and real.

Our Betty Netflix Black headband is thoroughly inspired by this American drama-comedy television series and of course Netflix! Netflix is the undisputed king of streaming services. For generation Y, binge-watching has become an integral part of adulting. The millennials cope with the pressures of adulting with the help of digital platforms, and Netflix is one of them. Hence, when we designed our women’s turban headband with Netflix graffiti, Ugly Betty depiction and quirky feminine slogans, it was an instant hit. The gorgeous embellishment of wire-framed wide glasses, the playful patchworks and the pleasing choice of colours are legit crowd-pullers. They enhance the beauty of these embellished turban headbands. Bonus: the plush fabric of the headband feels super comfortable.